Research project

Improving stock assessment and sustainable management of marine fisheries through integrated genetic data collection (GENDC)

Sea with sunshine. Photo:

Current fish stock assessment is challenged when neighbouring fish populations mix. However, genetic data can help distinguish between populations. The GenDC project will standardize the collection of genetic fish data and inplement these data in the stock assessment methodology. This will improve the output of the assessment and the scientific advice on sustainable management of fisheries.

Background of the GenDC project

The EU Data Collection Framework (DCF) aims to secure standardized data collection in support of scientific advice for fisheries management under the Common Fisheries Policy.

One central aim of the Common Fisheries Policy is the management of Maximum Sustainable Yield. This refers to the highest average catch that can be continuously taken from e.g. a fish population, while ensuring the population's long-term survival, under average environmental conditions.

However, this aim is challenged when the status of fish populations cannot be reliably assessed due to mismatches with distributions of populations or migration between areas, which violates central assumptions under current state-of-the-art stock assessment procedures.

There is a significant potential for genetic data to support sustainable fisheries management and several stock assessment working groups have called for the collection and incorporation of genetic data. Genetic data are currently not well integrated with the rest of the data collection, data storage and stock assessment processes at the EU level, and there is a large potential for standardizing the collection and use of genetic data through the EU Data Collection Framework.

Photo/figure to come.
Photo/figure to come.

Goals of the GenDC project

The GenDC project will:

  • Develop standardized work flows and protocols for genetic data collection and storage under the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF).
  • Develop the stock assessment methodology to fully implement genetic data with stock assessment and advice.
  • Interact with key stakeholders, including end users (stock assessors and coordinators) and data collection coordinators as well as relevant organizations.

Mixing between neighboring cod stocks is widespread. The project will focus on Atlantic cod as a model species to capitalize on recent developments with the integration of genetic data with stock assessments in this species. Protocols and workflows from the project can be readily transferred to other species and areas.

Photo/figure to come.

Impact of the GenDC project

The project lasts 2 years and will finalize on 30 April 2026.

Short term impact (by end of project)

Protocols, data and stock assessment models will be developed for working groups in The International Council for the Exploitation of the Sea (ICES) and the Fisheries Regional Coordination Groups under EU.

Protocols and workflows can be readily transferred to other species and areas, e.g. the Mediterranean.

Longer term visions

  • Medium term impact (2-3 years after project)
    Full integration of genetic data collection with national Data Collection Framework  programmes.

  • Long term impact (7-10 years after project)
    Standardized data series in support of ecosystem based and climate resilient scientific advice.

Photo/figure to come.

Partners of the GenDC project

National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua), Technical University of Denmark

Institute website:

Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Germany

Institute website:

Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Department website:


The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
DTU logo
Thunen logo
ICES logo

Project structure of GenDC

Work package 1

Project management and coordination
Lead: Marie Storr-Paulsen, DTU

Work package 2

Collection, harmonization and storage of genetic data. Design and implementation of sampling plans and protocols for genetic data collection. In addition, the WP will discuss data compatibility with data base hosts to secure effective long-term storage of genetic data and long-term effects GenDC.
Lead: Uwe Krumme, TI
ICES is involved

Work package 3

Genetic analyses to determine population of origin and distribution of populations.
Lead: Jakob Hemmer-Hansen, DTU

Work package 4

Integration of genetic data with stock assessment and existing advisory frameworks.
Lead: Johan Lövgren, SLU

Work package 5

Project dissemination and communication.
Lead: Marie Storr-Paulsen, DTU

Funding of the GenDC project

The GenDC project has received funding from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF-2023-PIA-FisheriesScientificAdvice: “Improving scientific knowledge to strengthen the science-basis of management decisions under the Common Fisheries Policy).

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