Havfisken is in the Kattegat and Baltic Sea

Havfisken is in the Kattegat and Baltic Sea


25. nov 09:00 - 06. dec 2024 09:00


DTU Aqua

Havfisken is in the Kattegat and Baltic Sea

The research vessel Havfisken is in the Kattegat and Baltic Sea to collect data on cod.

The research vessel Havfisken at sea
The research vessel Havfisken

From 25 November to 6 December 2024, the research vessel Havfisken is on a survey in the Kattegat and western Baltic Sea to collect data on the status of the cod stock. The survey is conducted with the Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

The survey is conducted at the end of November every year.

The dates of the cruise may change slightly.

What data is collected?

The cruise was designed in 2008 when politicians decided to close an area in the southern Kattegat to protect the few spawning cod left in the Kattegat. Therefore, the main purpose of the cruise is to monitor the amount of adult cod, the total number, the spatial distribution and the recruitment of young cod into the stock. However, other fish are also caught during the cruise and all species are registered and used for stock assessments for cod, plaice and haddock. The stations that are fished are selected statistically and in collaboration with SLU Aqua.

What is the data used for?

The results from the survey are used to strengthen the scientific advice on the cod stock in Kattegat. The advice is aimed at authorities who use them as a basis when setting fishing quotas and other fishing regulations.

Where is Havfisken now?

About Havfisken

Havfisken is essentially a modern commercial steel fishing vessel equipped for research and monitoring in coastal areas.