
How do we find the balance between conserving andutilizing aquatic resources? This is a core question in DTU Aqua's research. The results of our research contribute to preserving and restoring healthy seas, lakes and rivers and to the sustainable development of fisheries, aquaculture and other sectors within the blue bioeconomy.

Lab work
DTU Aqua's research approach builds, among other things, upon conducting field and experimental work. Photo: Anne Trap-Lind.


As a leading international institute for marine sciences, fisheries and aquaculture, the goal of DTU Aqua's research is to address the environmental consequences and interactions of human activities in the aquatic environment and help resolve the longstanding conflict between aquatic resource exploitation and conservation.


The research approach builds upon:

  • conducting field and experimental work addressing all temporal and spatial scales using modern technology. 
  • understanding biological, chemical and physical interactions and processes structuring aquatic ecosystems and their dynamics. 
  • elaborating models for assessing and predicting the development of fisheries and aquaculture and ecosystems under natural and anthropogenic forcing at both short and long terms.


DTU Aqua's research deals with all types of aquatic habitats—from the North Atlantic Ocean and European shelf areas to coastal areas and inner Danish waters, ecosystems in lakes and streams as well as aquaculture.

European shelf seas, Danish coastal areas and freshwaters are our main working areas, but we also work on Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, in particular in the North Atlantic surrounding Greenland, and we are involved in research activities in other parts of the world.

Research areas

DTU Aqua’s research is divided into 13 research areas: 

Innovation activitites

DTU Aqua has a long history of collaborating with especially the fisheries and aquaculture industry to discover innovative solutions, and all of our research areas prioritize innovation.