Operationalising European Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Symposium

Operationalising European Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Symposium


30. jun 09:00 - 03. jul 17:00


Herman Teirlinck Building, Brussels, Belgium


DTU Aqua, ICES and others


Operationalising European Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Symposium

At the symposium, scientists, companies and others can exchange research results and practical experiences on the latest developments in the field of ecosystem-based fisheries management.

Mackerel shoal
Mackerels. Photo: Sune Riis Sørensen

Co-convened by SEAwise research project and key partners, including the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), the Operationalising European Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Symposium will be held from 30 June to 3 July 2025 in Brussels, Belgium.

Co-organised by the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) and Denmark’s National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua), the symposium will bring together experts from across the world with fisheries policymakers, managers and stakeholders to exchange ideas and innovative solutions in support of practical implementation of Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management

Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management is an approach to fisheries management that recognises the need to enhance their derived social and economic benefits whilst actively minimising the impacts that fisheries have on the environment. While the benefits of Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management are widely recognised, several core challenges pose barriers to its effective uptake in fisheries across Europe – from complexity and interdependencies to uncertainties and values.

Read more about the symposium and find link to registration