Support functions

Management Secretariat

The Management Secretariat provides secretarial services to the management of DTU Aqua in the coordination of the strategic development and overall operation of the institute. This includes finance and project coordination, PhD school and education administration as well as IT support. Furthermore, the secretariat coordinates the activities related to the building of the new research vessel Dana V. 

Research Secretariat

The Research Secretariat provides support in connection with interdisciplinary and research-strategic activities, as well as support for the institute’s external research financing, including information about application options and assistance with preparing project applications and project administration.

Public Sector Consultancy

The Public Sector Consultancy is responsible for coordinating DTU Aqua's scientific advise to national and international authorities. The Secretariat also handles the coordination of DTU Aqua's internal and external communications, as well as the institute's strategic involvement in EU research programmes, etc.

Section for Administration and Service

The Section for Administration and Service is responsible for day-to-day operations at DTU Aqua’s locations, including secretariats, service functions, reception, purchasing and filing as well as work environment and safety.

Section for Maritime Service

DTU Aqua has access to the research vessel Dana and some smaller boats. Section for Maritime Service is responsible for the running of the ships and crews Dana.