DF&H Reports & DFH Reports (1984-1995)
The report series "DF&H Reports" and "DFH Reports" were published from 1984 to 1995 by DTU Aqua (former Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research). The reports can be borrowed from DTU Library.
No. 494 Prognose og biologisk rådgivning for fiskeriet i 1996
P. Degnbol
No. 493 Blåmuslingebestanden i Limfjorden i 1995 samt evaluering af bestandsstørrelserne i perioden 1993-1995
P.S. Kristensen, P. Dolmer & E. Hoffmann
No. 490 Blåmuslinge- og ålegræsbestanden i Horsens, Vejle og Kolding fjorde, 1994
P.S. Kristensen
No. 489 Investigations on the North Sea gillnet fisheries
M. Vinther
No. 488 The intensive rearing of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) larvae
J.G. Støttrup
No. 487 Status – 1994: Marin fiskepleje
J.G. Støttrup, H. Nicolajsen, H. Paulsen, K. Nitschke & C. Pedersen
No. 486 Overlevelsesforsøg med sorterede blåmuslinger fra Limfjorden og Kattegat
P. S. Kristensen
No. 485 Undersøgelse af blåmuslingebestandene i Skive Fjord og Lovns Bredning i Limfjorden februar 1994
P.S. Kristensen
No. 483 Opdræt og udsætning af torsk: Status 1994
H. Paulsen
No. 482 Some thoughts on the incorporation of areas and migrations in MSVPA
H. Gislason & P. Sparre
No. 481 The data requirements for basic fisheries bio-economics
P.J. Sparre
No. 480 Prognose og biologisk rådgivning for fiskeriet i 1995
P. Degnbol & E. Kirkegaard
No. 479 Lokalitetsvurdering for udsætning af pighvaryngel i Limfjorden: Venø Bugt og Nibe Bredning
J.G. Støttrup
No. 478 An analysis of the Danish fishery in the Sound. Analysis of landing and effort data from Danish professional and recreational fishery in the Sound during the period 1987-1993
J.R. Nielsen
No. 477 Rødspætteomplantninger til Limfjorden og Storebælt: Resultater af forsøg i 1988-90
C. Hvingel
No. 476 Blåmuslingebestanden i det danske vadehav og blåmuslingefiskeri (1991-1993)
P.S. Kristensen
No. 475 Assessment of the Nephrops stocks and the Nephrops fishery in ICES Div. IIIa
No. 474 Status for marin fiskepleje –1993
J.G. Støttrup, H. Nicolajsen & C. Hvingel
No. 474a Status for marin fiskepleje – 1993
J.G. Støttrup, H. Nicolajsen & C. Hvingel
No. 474b Status for marin fiskepleje – 1993
J.G. Støttrup, H. Nicolajsen & C. Hvingel
No. 473 Overlevelsesforsøg med sorterede muslinger fra Rømø Seafood A/S
P.S. Kristensen
No. 472 Spisula solida/Tykskallet trugmusling
P.S. Kristensen
No. 470 Prognose og biologisk rådgivning for fiskeriet i 1994
E. Kirkegaard & P. Degnbol
No. 469 Lokalitetsvurdering for udsætning af torsk – vestlige Østersø
C. Hvingel
No. 468 Lokalitetsvurdering for udsætning af pighvarre – Nordsjælland
J.G. Støttrup, J.G. & C. Hvingel
No. 467 Lokalitetsvurdering for udsætning af skrubber – Skive fjord, Lovns bredning og Hjarbæk fjord
H. Nicolajsen
No. 466 Rødspætteomplantninger fra Nordsøen til Kattegat: Resultater af forsøg i 1988 og 1989
J.G. Støttrup & K.-J. Stæhr
No. 465 Production in sorted and relayed mussel in Limfjorden, DK
P.S. Kristensen & H. Lassen
No. 465a Blåmuslingebestanden i Limfjorden 1993
E. Hoffmann
No. 464 Feeding habits of Greenland cod, Gadus ogac, in the Nuuk area, West Greenland
J.R. Nielsen & M. Andersen
No. 463 Rammeprogram 1993-1995
No. 462 Møder, kurser, undervisning, togter, feltarbejder m.v. 1992
No. 461 Growth and production of small mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) sorted and relayed from commercial catches in the Limfjord
P.S. Kristensen
No. 460 Abundance of 0-group plaice in different areas in the Kattegat and the Beltsea, in the period 1950-1992
O. Bagge & E. Nielsen
No. 459 The Baltic cod stock, fluctuations and the possible causes
O. Bagge & F. Thurow
No. 458 Danish discard of cod in sub-division 22 as a[n] indicator of strength of year classes
O. Bagge
No. 457 Vurdering af en torskeudsætning i Limfjorden i 1991
J.G. Støttrup
No. 456 Sammenligning af vild og opdrættet pighvarre i naturen
C. Hvingel
No. 455 Sortering og genudlægning af blåmuslinger i Limfjorden, II
P.S. Kristensen
No. 454 Torskens prædation på sild og brisling i Østersøen i relation til flerartsmodeller
I. B. Jensen
No. 453a Udsætninger af pighvarrer i Limfjorden, ved Langeland og ved Nordsjælland 1989-1992
H. Nicolajsen
No. 453b Udsætninger af pighvarrer i Limfjorden, ved Langeland og ved Nordsjælland 1989-1992
H. Nicolajsen
No. 452 Den chilenske kulmules (Merluccius gayi gayi G.) fødebiologi
K.A. Stobberup
No. 451 Food composition and consumption of Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi G.) with special reference to cannibalism
K.A. Stobberup
No. 450 Changes in mean size and distribution of juvenile North Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) in the period 1976-90
P. Munk
No. 449 Growth and drift pattern of larval sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the eastern North Sea investigated by otolith microstructure analysis
P. Munk
No. 448 Phaeocystis blooms along the Danish west coast in 1991 and 1992
K. Richardson & A. Christoffersen
No. 447 MSVPA and prey/predator switching
J.R. Larsen & H. Gislason
No. 446 Status for marin fiskepleje –1992
J.G. Støttrup & H. Nicolajsen
No. 445 Aspekter af prædation, vækst og produktion på en littoral blåmuslingebanke i det Danske Vadehav
M.-L. Laursen & M. Egerrup
No. 444 Lokalitetsvurdering for udsætning af rødspætter – Limfjorden
H. Nicolajsen
No. 443 Katalogiseringspraksis for bøger/analyser/bestillinger
C. Anderberg & S. Tørper Christensen
No. 442 Skarver (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) og bundgarnsfiskeri
K. Diget Christensen & K.J. Cornelisse
No. 441 Opstilling af lokalitetsvurderingskriterier for udsætning af marin fiskeyngel til bestandsstyrkelse
J.R. Nielsen
No. 440 Growth of Greenland cod, Gadus ogac, in the Nuuk area of West Greenland
J.R. Nielsen
No. 439 Lokalitetsbedømmelse for udsætning af pighvar – Nordkysten ved Thyborøn
J.R. Nielsen
No. 438 Lokalitetsbedømmelse for udsætning af rødspætter – Langesundet og Omø Tofte samt det Sydfynske Øhav 1992
J.R. Nielsen
No. 437 BEAM 4, a bio-economic multi-species, multi-fleet, multi-plant, multi-area extension of the traditional forecast model
P. Sparre & R. Willmann
No. 436 The fate of organically fixed nutrients of the Danish west coast – are they transported into the Kattegat
J. Heilmann
No. 435 Description of the STCF North Sea database system and the prediction model ABC, Assessments of Bio-economic Consequences of technical measures
P. Lewy, M. Vinther & L. Thomsen
No. 434 Identification of Danish North Sea trawl fleets and fisheries
P. Lewy & M. Vinther
No. 433 Aspects of predation on intertidal blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) in the Danish Wadden Sea
M. Egerrup & M. Høegh Laursen
No. 432 Length based multi-species model for estimation of predation mortalities of herring and sprat in the Baltic
I. Bundgaard & H. Sparholt
No. 431 Mean length at age of cod in the Baltic, subdivision 25, 1984-92 as estimated from R/V Dana in March
O. Bagge, E. Steffensen & J. Bay
No. 430 Seasonalized age-length keys with variable hatching time for herring and sprat in the Baltic
I. Bundgaard & H. Sparholt
No. 429 HUFA-requirements in marine fish larvae – results on a trial performed on first-feeding turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) larvae
J.G. Støttrup
No. 428 Biblioteksfunktionerne på Fiskeriministeriets forskningsområde
T. Wind Jensen, B. Gaardestrup & S.T. Christensen
No. 427 Havørred i Kolding Å vandsystem 1989-91
H. Kristiansen
No. 426 Neritiske vandloppers fødespektre
O. Wohlgemuth
No. 425 Sortering og genudlægning af blåmuslinger i Limfjorden
P.S. Kristensen
No. 424 Genetisk variation i enzymer hos laks (Salmo salar L.) fra Skjern Å-systemet og Vestjysk Fiskepark
M. Møller Hansen
No. 423 The condition factor in relation to maturity and filling of stomach in cod (sub-division 25)
S. Munch-Petersen & J. Bay
No. 422 Application of GLM (Generalized linear model) for estimation of year class strength of Baltic cod from trawl survey data
S. Munch-Petersen & J. Bay
No. 421 The potential of the Jutland Coastal Current as a transporter of nutrients to the Kattegat
J.P. Heilmann, D.S. Danielssen & O.V. Olsen
No. 420 The international cod stomach data base for the Baltic Sea and some preliminary analysis
H. Sparholt, H. Jensen & I.B. Jensen
No. 419 Changes in mean size and distribution of juvenile North Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the period 1976-90
P. Munk
No. 418 Growth and drift pattern of larval sprat (Sprattus sprattus) in the eastern North Sea investigated by otolith microstructure analysis
P. Munk
No. 417 Report on the acoustic survey in ICES sub.div. 22 and 24 in November 1990
T.K. Neudecker, K.-J. Stæhr & E. Götze
No. 416 Migration of plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L., transplanted from the North Sea to the Kattegat
K.-J. Stæhr & J.G. Støttrup
No. 415 Correlation between the level of PCB's and the presence of diseases in common dab (Limanda limanda)
K. Granby, E. Nielsen & S. Mellergaard
No. 414 Bycatches in the salmon drift net fishery in the Baltic Sea
O. Christensen
No. 413 Oversigt over prognose og biologisk rådgivning for fiskeriet i 1991 og 1992
E. Kirkegaard
No. 412 Ørredudsætningerne og de eventuelle følger for den øvrige fiskefauna
O. Christensen
No. 411 Mærknings- og udsætningsplaner for pighvar i Limfjorden 1991
J.G. Støttrup & P. Prince
No. 410 Udsætningsplan for Sæby Å 1991
K. Jørgensen
No. 409 Udsætningsplan for Liver Å 1991
K. Jørgensen
No. 408 Udsætningsplan for Hover Å 1991 Distrikt 25 – Vandsystem 17
K. Jørgensen
No. 407 Udsætningsplan for Giber Å 1991 Distrikt 13 – Vandsystem 17
J. Dolby
No. 406 Udsætningsplan for Ørum Å 1991 Distrikt 12 – Vandsystem 20
J. Dolby
No. 405 Udsætningsplan for Skjern Å 1991 Distrikt 27 – Vandsystem 1
E. Hansen & P. Geertz-Hansen
No. 404 Udsætningsplan for Vejle Å 1991 Distrikt 12 – Vandsystem 16
E. Hansen
No. 403 Udsætningsplan for tilløb til Køge Bugt 1991
E. Hansen
No. 402 Udsætningsplan for vandløb til Karrebæksminde Bugt 1991
O. Christensen
No. 401 Udsætningsplan for sjællandske vandløb til sydlige Kattegat og Storebælt 1991
O. Christensen
No. 400 Udsætningsplan for vandløb til Isefjord 1991
O. Christensen
No. 399 Udsætningsplan for vandløb til Roskilde Fjord 1991
O. Christensen
No. 398 Udsætningsplan for Sjællandske vandløb til Kattegat og Øresund 1991
O. Christensen
No. 397 Miljøbelastning fra havbrug og saltvandsdambrug
J. Horsted & K.D. Christensen
No. 396 Ålelarvens migration samt aldersbestemmelse af glasål belyst ud fra otolithens mikrostruktur
T. Bing
No. 395 Populationsgenetisk beskrivelse af ørredstammer (Salmo trutta(L)) med særligt henblik på hybridiseringsproblemer i forbindelse med udsætninger
M. Møller Hansen
No. 394 Knuden (Lota lota (L))
G. Voldsgaard
No. 393 En energetisk vækstmodel for ål
H. Mørck
No. 392 Oversigt over prognose og biologisk rådgivning for fiskeriet i 1990 og 1991
E. Kirkegaard & N.A. Nielsen
No. 391 Plankton identification sheets
K.V. Hansen
No. 390 Using GLM analysis on the IYFS herring data for the North Sea
H. Sparholt
No. 389 Contribution of zooplankton grazing in the decomposition of aceratium bloom
T. Gissel Nielsen
No. 388 Experimental estimation of food preference in cod – results of a pilot experiment
P. Degnbol
No. 387 Fish disease investigations in Danish coastal waters with special reference to the impact of oxygen deficiency
S. Mellergaard & E. Nielsen
No. 386 Seasonal distributions and production of phytoplankton in the Southern Kattegat
K. Richardson & A. Christoffersen
No. 385 Fishing patterns and yield variations
H. Gislason
No. 384 The landings per unit of cod, plaice, flounder, dab, turbot and brill in the Western Baltic 1963-89 as estimated from the Bagenkop fleet
O. Bagge & E. Steffensen
No. 383 Hypoxia and the demersal fish stocks in the Kattegat (IIIa) and subdivision 22
O. Bagge
No. 382 ECHOANN – an analyzer for echosounder signals
P. Degnbol
No. 381 Report on the acoustic survey in ICES sub.div. 22,23 and 24 in November 1989
K.-J. Stæhr
No. 380 Forsøgsfiskeri efter hjertemuslinger (Cerastoderma edule) syd for Horns rev i Nordsøen
P.S. Kristensen
No. 379 Status for den nordatlantiske laks (Salmo salar) i Danmark
O. Christensen
No. 378 Population- og produktionsforhold for ål (Anguilla anguilla L.) i Bjørnsholm Å-systemet
J. Bisgaard & M.I. Pedersen
No. 377 Tærbens (Raja radiata Donovan) biologi i Nordsøen
M. Vinther
No. 376 Udsætningsplan for Rye Å 1990
K. Jørgensen
No. 375 Udsætningsplan for Voers Å 1990
K. Jørgensen
No. 374 Udsætningsplan for Gerå 1990
K. Jørgensen
No. 373 Udsætningsplan for Simested Å 1990
J. Dolby
No. 372 Udsætningsplan for Binderup Å 1990
J. Dolby
No. 371 Udsætningsplan for Storåen 1990
E. Hansen
No. 370 Udsætningsplan for Kongeåen 1990
E. Hansen
No. 369 Udsætningsplan for Sneum Å 1990
E. Hansen
No. 368 Antibiotikas påvirkning af sedimentets mikroflora
G. Bech & I. Müller
Udgivet i 1989
No. 367 Undersøgelse af genetisk variation hos ørred (Salmo trutta) som funktion af tid og dambrug
V. Simonsen & G. Rasmussen
Udgivet i 1989
No. 366 Phytoplankton distribution and activity in the Skagerrak: a review
K. Richardson
Udgivet i 1989
No. 365 The influence of variations in recruitment on multispecies yield predictions in the North Sea
H. Gislason
No. 365a Multispecies yield and SSB curves for North Sea cod, haddock and whiting
H. Gislason
No. 364 Biologi [i.e. biology] of the dace Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) in a Danish lowland stream
S. Pedersen & N. Poulsen
No. 363 DFH's arbejdsområder i 1989 samt en historisk oversigt 1889 -1989
E. Hoffmann
No. 362 Laksefiskeriet i Østersøen
O. Christensen
No. 361 Estimation of larval growth rates from herring larvae surveys
V. Christensen & P. Munk
No. 360 Primary data of length/weight, pigmentation stages and chemical composition in ascending elvers, Anguilla anguilla
I. Boëtius & J. Boëtius
No. 359 Report on herring acoustic surveys in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat during summer 1988
E. Kirkegaard
No. 358 On the applicability of aereal survey techniques for recording and estimating densities of mussel beds
S. Munch-Petersen & P.S. Kristensen
No. 357 Danish discards in Sub-division 22 in 1988 and in 1978-89 as an indicator of strength of year classes
O. Bagge
No. 356 The ICES multispecies VPA's for the Baltic fish stocks
H. Sparholt
No. 355 HECAST a working group catch statistics spreadsheet package
V. Christensen
No. 354 Mesh selection of Nephrops in 60 and 70 mm Nephrops trawl
E. Kirkegaard, N.A. Nielsen & O. Bagge
No. 353 Impact of oxygen deficiency on fish disease levels
E. Nielsen & S. Mellergaard
No. 352 Fiskeriundersøgelser i 100 år 1889-1989
E. Hoffmann
No. 351 Blåmuslinger i Limfjorden – økologi og fiskeri
P.S. Kristensen
No. 350 Udsætningsplan for mindre vandsystemer mellem Varde Å og Vidåen
P. Geertz-Hansen & J. Dolby
No. 349 Udsætningsplan for mindre vandsystemer mellem Ring- købing og Varde Å
P. Geertz-Hansen & J. Dolby
No. 348 Udsætningsplan for mindre vandsystemer mellem Bovbjerg Fyr og Ringkøbing
P. Geertz-Hansen & J. Dolby
No. 347 Udsætningsplan for Flodbæk og Tversted Å
J. Dolby & P. Geertz-Hansen
No. 346 Udsætningsplan for mindre vandsystemer mellem Mariager Fjord (incl.) og Limfjorden
P. Geertz-Hansen & J. Dolby
No. 345 Udsætningsplan for mindre vandsystemer mellem Kalø Vig (incl.) og Randers Fjord
P. Geertz-Hansen & J. Dolby
No. 344 Udsætningsplan for vandløb omkring Haderslev mellem Sønderballe Strand og Avnø Vig
P. Geertz-Hansen
No. 343 Udsætningsplan for alsiske vandløb
E. Hansen
No. 342 Udsætningsplan for tilløb til Åbenrå Fjord og Genner Bugt
E. Hansen
No. 341 Udsætningsplan for Brede Å's vandsystem
E. Hansen
No. 340 Udsætningsplan for Trend Å
E. Hansen
No. 339 Udsætningsplan for Bjørnsholm Å
E. Hansen
No. 338 Udsætningsplan for de bornholmske ørredvande 1989
O. Christensen
No. 337 Evaluation of a microencapsulated diet for turbot (Scopththalmus maximus L.)
J.G. Støttrup
No. 336 Udsætningsplan for Brøns Å 1989
K. Jørgensen
No. 335 Udsætningsplan for Lerkenfeld Å 1989
K. Jørgensen
No. 334 Udsætningsplan for Vidå 1989
K. Jørgensen
No. 333 Omplantning af rødspætter
E. Hoffmann
No. 332 Stock identification of demersal fish in the Baltic
O. Bagge & E. Steffensen
No. 331 The change in abundance and growth of plaice and dab in Subdivision 22 1962-85
O. Bagge & E. Nielsen
No. 330 A review of investigations of the predation of cod in the Baltic
O. Bagge
No. 329 Miljøbelastningen fra hav- og dambrug
J. Horsted
No. 328 Growth in fish larvae: are they particularly efficient?
T. Kiørboe
No. 327 A stochastic integrated VPA for herring in the Baltic Sea with acoustic estimates as auxiliary information
H. Sparholt
No. 326 Marine science information resources in Scandinavia
J. Collins & B. Gaardestrup
Udgivet i 1989
No. 325 Report on an acoustic survey for mackerel in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat in July-August 1987
P. Degnbol, S.A. Iversen, E. Kirkegaard & P. Lewy
No. 324 Response of Gonyaulax tamarensis to the presence of a pycnocline in an artificial water column
J. Rasmussen & K. Richardson
No. 323 A hydroacoustic survey of the eastern North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat August-September, 1987
P. Degnbol, E. Kirkegaard & P. Lewy
No. 322 Recruitment of young cod in subdivision 22
O. Bagge, S. Mellergaard & I. Dalsgaard
No 321 The development of the fishery on Norway lobster in the Kattegat 1970-87
O. Bagge
No. 320 Discrimination of stocks of plaice in the Kattegat by electrophoresis and meristic characters
V. Simonsen, E. Nielsen & O. Bagge
No. 319 The biomass of skates in the North Sea
M. Vinther & H. Sparholt
No. 318 Report on the acoustic survey in ICES sub.div. 22 and 24 in October 1987
T. Neudecker & K.-J. Stæhr
No. 317 A calibration method for split beam echo sounders including calibration of directivity compensation and level
P. Degnbol
No. 316 Some observations on the food selection of plaice and dab in Øresund, Denmark
H. Degel & H. Gislason
No. 315 Assessments of North Sea cod and haddock based on two new tuning methods applying commercial catch, effort and research vessel data
P. Lewy
No. 314 Assessment of the stocks of mussels in the Danish wadden sea
S. Munch-Petersen & P.S. Kristensen
No. 313 The diet and consumption of horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) in the eastern North sea, August 1986
K. Dahl & E. Kirkegaard
No. 312 Winter nutrient concentrations and primary production in the eastern North sea
K. Richardson & O.V. Olsen
No. 311 An estimate of the total biomass of fish in the North Sea, with special emphasis on fish eating species not included in the MSVPA model
H. Sparholt
No. 310 A model for estimation of natural mortality, fishing mortality and emigration between Skagerrak- Kattegat and the Western Baltic herring stocks, based on catch data, acoustic data and youngfish survey data
H. Sparholt
No. 309 Danish discards in the Baltic 1986-1987
O. Bagge
No. 308 The winter ecology of North sea herring larvae – a preliminary study
P. Munk, T. Kiørboe & K. Richardson
No. 307 Tagging of turbot and brill in the Kattegat 1965-70
O. Bagge
No. 306 Catching large herring larvae – gear applicability and larval distribution
P. Munk
No. 305 Distributions of fish parasites and diseases in relation to hydrography in Danish coastal waters
X. Shen, K. Richardson, E. Nielsen & S. Mellergaard
No. 304 Periodicity of feeding in Baltic cod
O. Bagge & J. Bay
No. 303 The influence of oxygen deficiency on the dab populations in the eastern North Sea and the southern Kattegat
S. Mellergaard & E. Nielsen
No. 302 Growth and recruitment of plaice in the Kattegat
O. Bagge & E. Nielsen
No. 301 The Danish acoustical survey in div. IIIa and eastern North sea August 1986
E. Kirkegaard, P. Lewy & K. Stæhr
No. 300 A suggestion for residual natural mortalities, M1, to be used in the North Sea MSVPA model
H. Sparholt
No. 299 Some theoretical aspects of the implementation of virtual population analysis in I.C.E.S.
P. Sparre & H. Gislason
No. 298 Recapture and growth of transplanted plaice
E. Hoffmann & H. Degel
No. 297 Index to the Canadian translations of fisheries and aquatic sciences no. 4451-5333
M. Guin
No. 296 Jyllandsstrømmen
K. Richardson & T. Jacobsen
No. 295 Mussel and oyster culture in Denmark
P.S. Kristensen
No. 294 Notat om anvendelsen af Dana
No. 293 Håndbog i ålesygdomme
S. Mellergaard & I. Dalsgaard
No. 292 Integrated stochastic virtual population analysis
P. Lewy
No. 291 Signal threshold echointegration
H. Lassen
No. 290 A towed body for echo integration in shallow water
K.-J. Stæhr, B. Lundgren & S. Sørensen
No. 289 Det biologiske grundlag for fiskeriregulering
E. Ursin
No. 288 The distribution of 6-month-old herring larvae in the North Sea
P. Munk
No. 287 A comparison between the standard-IKMT and the METHOT-IKMT for catching 6-month old herring larvae
P. Munk
No 286 Herring larvae distribution, plankton production and hydrography in the Buchan area in sep-oct, 1985
K. Richardson
No. 285 Field and laboratory trials with a multi-channel fluorometer used to determine in situ concentrations of plant pigments
K. Richardson
No. 284 Change in abundance and growth of dab and plaice in subdivision 22 1953-64 and 1982-85
O. Bagge & E. Nielsen
No. 283 Danish discards in the Baltic, 1985-86
O. Bagge
No. 282 Report on the acoustic survey for herring of the west coast of Denmark in July 1985
E. Kirkegaard
No. 281 Stomach contents of mackerel, horse mackerel and whiting in the eastern part of the North Sea in July 1985
K. Dahl & E. Kirkegaard
No. 280 Estimating average length composition from the international heering larvae survey data
V. Christensen & H. Lassen
No. 279 Acoustical survey in Skagerrak-Kattegat and the western Baltic in August-September 1985
P. Degnbol
No. 278 Notat om: Torske- og sildebestandens gensidige påvirkning
N.Å. Nielsen & H. Sparholt
No. 277 Rødspætter langs den Jyske vestkyst
K. Albrechtsen
No. 276 Problematikken omkring bestandsopsplitning
No. 275 Forsøgsfiskeri efter taskekrabber ved Læsø – 1985
M. Frøding
No. 274 Danish discards in the cod fishery in the Baltic 1984-85
O. Bagge
No. 273 Production strategies in Danish marine trout farms
E. Hoffmann
No. 272 Growth, mortality and larvae production in the Shetland area estimated from the international North Sea herring larvae surveys in 1972-83
S.A. Pedersen
No. 271 Myxobolus infections in plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
E. Nielsen
No. 270 Target strength of Baltic herring and sprat measured in-situ
K.-J. Stæhr
No. 269 Sources and magnitude of random errors in acoustic fish abundance estimate
E. Kirkegaard
No. 268 Preliminary investigations of 0- and 1- group plaice surveys in the Kattegat in the period 1950-84
O. Bagge
No. 267 Results from comparative age-readings of Baltic cod and flounder otoliths
H. Lassen
No. 266 Integrated stochastic virtual population analysis (ISVPA) applying catch, effort and survey information
P. Lewy
No. 265 Estimation of herring larvae production
V. Christensen
No. 264 Summary of Danish enclosure experiments
J.E. Beyer
No. 263 Extensive rearing of turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus L.) on low concentrations of natural plankton
H. Paulsen
No. 262 Experiences with the scientific computer system on R/V Dana
T. Aarup
No. 261 The stomach contents of dab (Limanda limanda) in the Baltic as indicators of different feeding strategies
E. Ursin
No. 260 A software package for acoustic survey evaluation
P. Degnbol & L. Bangsborg
No. 259 On the prey size preferences and size-indiscriminate feeding of whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in the wetern Baltic
E. Ursin
No. 258 Acoustical survey in Skagerrak-Kattegat and the western Baltic in Aug.-Sept. 1984
P. Degnbol, O. Haggström & L.E. Palmen
No. 257 The Jutland Current
O.V. Olsen
No. 256 Investigations on the relationship of herring larvae, plankton production and hydrography at Aberdeen Bank, Buchan area, September 1984
V. Christensen
No. 255 On the relation between diurnal migration and feeding of blue whiting in the Skagerrak
P. Degnbol
No. 254 Effects of food patches on distribution, growth and survival of fish larvae
H. Paulsen
No. 253 The total mortality of cod in the Baltic 1982-85 as estimated from bottom-trawl surveys
E. Steffensen
No. 252 On the prey size of cod (Gadus morhua) in the western Baltic
E. Ursin
No. 251 Fish diseases in the Eastern North Sea dab (Limanda limanda) population with special reference to the epidemiology of epidermal hyperplacias/papillomas
S. Mellergaard & E. Nielsen
No. 250 Estimering af vækst, dødelighed og produktion i sildelarvepopulationer
S.A. Pedersen
No. 249 Fiskeribiologiske undersøgelser i forbindelse med Dansk Olie og Naturgas A/S (D.O.N.G.) vandindvining i Hjarbæk Fjord
V.H. Jacobsen
No. 248 Kølevandsopdræt af regnbuørred
F. Bregnballe
No. 247 Estimation of fishing capacity for EEC
H. Sparholt & S. Moth-Poulsen
No. 246 Sejens (Pollachius virens L.) fødebiologi i Nordsøen
L. Nielsen
No. 245 The Jutland current
G. Kullenberg & O.V. Olsen
No. 244 A compact eight channel continuous flow analyzer for shipboard use
B. Lundgren & P. Iversen
No. 243 A mobile hydroacoustical integrator
B. Lundgren
No. 242 Report on the acoustic survey in ICES Div. IIIa, 1982 and 1983
P. Degnbol
No. 241 A computer program for estimation of food suitability coefficients from stomach content data and multispecies VPA
P. Sparre
No. 240 The total mortality of cod in the Baltic 1982-1984 as estimated from bottom trawling surveys
E. Steffensen
No. 239 Danish discards in the cod fishery in the Baltic 1981-84
O. Bagge
No. 238 Estimation of year class strength of plaice in the Kattegat 1980-83
E. Hoffmann
No. 237 Danish salmon stocking experiments in two Swedish rivers
O. Christensen
No. 236 Preliminary investigations on the eastern North Sea and the Skagerrak plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) populations and their diseases
S. Mellergaard & E. Nielsen
No. 235 Preliminary investigations on the eastern North Sea and the Skagerrak dab (Limanda limanda) populations and their diseases
E. Nielsen
No. 234 The influence of different trawl riggings on species composition and on catches of diseased flatfish
S. Mellergaard
No. 233 Distribution of herring larvae at Aberdeen Bank, Buchan area, September 1983
V. Christensen
No. 232 First feeding of larval herring at low food concentrations
T. Kiørboe
No. 231 Physical and biological interactions leading to plankton blooms
G. Kullenberg
No. 230 Phyto-/zooplankton distribution in relation to hydrography in a frontal region off Skagen (Denmark) in April 1984
T. Kiørboe & V. Christensen
No. 229 Stomach evacuation rates of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
E. Ursin
No. 228 Udnyttelse af kølevand fra kraftværker til dyrkning af fisk, skaldyr og alger
A. Jokumsen
No. 227 Dansk havbrug
E. Hoffmann