Research capabilities of the research vessel Dana

Dana is capable of worldwide operation, is classified for ice navigation and is equipped to carry out a wide range of investigations within arctic research, marine biology research, climate and environment research, geological research and fishery research.

Arctic research

Dana is designed for Arctic marine research, e.g. the hull is approved for sailing in ice filled waters and the ship can be controlled directly from the ice bridge. The CTD platform located amidships is sheltered so that it is possible to work even at low temperatures. In recent years Dana has had a scientific cruise to Greenland once per year.

Marine biological research

From the CTD platform, located amidships, plankton samples can be taken by plankton pumps and water samplers. From the Danas aft, samples can be taken by the use of different types of plankton nets. The laboratories onboard Dana are specially designed for filtering and analysis of plankton samples. It is also possible to place a special plankton container laboratory on Dana, if Dana’s laboratories cannot fulfil special requirements. Dana contains a fixed C-14 laboratory for measuring primary production.

Instruments for determination of different plankton parameters can be deployed in association with CTD measurements, and are also mounted on the ships water intake.

For examinations of bottom-dwelling species, Dana has specially designed bottom scrapers, which the crew has a lot of experience using. Bottom sledges, ROV’s and other video equipped gear can be deployed and retrieved by the help of Dana’s installations.

Climate and environmental research

Dana has several fixed measurement stations onboard including a weather station, water intake, ADCP (stream velocity profiles) and navigational data, which together make up the basic data for analysis. This data is archived in a database system, which thereby contains long time series of measured data. Both the actual and historic data can be used while onboard.

In addition a CTD platform is located amidships, which is used for measurements of different water parameters and the taking of water samples. Often an undulating device with CTD instruments is used for mapping of water parameters in an area.

Dana’s laboratories are well equipped and it is possible to perform various function e.g. in-situ calibrations of oxygen measurements.

Geological research

Climate history and geological evolution are investigated with the help of sedimentary samples, taken with e.g. a Piston Core. For this purpose Dana has a mounted fixture by the rail for such gear, a specially designed block at the aft as well as long and thick wires. Dana’s large cranes are able to handle heavy gear e.g. deep water grab for sediment sampling. Furthermore Dana has a lot of storage space for pipes and other kinds of geological equipment.

Underground examinations are conducted by seismic investigation. In relation to this Dana has room for containers and for the deployment of airguns and hydrophones at each aft side of the vessel. Additional electronic devices can be installed in the large multipurpose laboratory located amidships.

For the determination of seabed types and topology gears such as a side-scanner are used. This type of towed gear can be deployed and retrieved by use of Dana’s cranes and catwalks. Optionally one can either select to use Dana’s own winches or provide smaller and/or dedicated winches to be used.

Fishery research

Dana is designed as a trawler with large winches on each side of the ship. Furthermore Dana is designed for deep sea fishing and fishing in Arctic waters. The ship has at its disposal different types of gear for both pelagic and bottom-dwelling fish. This includes Scanmar sensors, which can be mounted on the gear, thus making it possible to survey that the gear are being used efficiently.

When the fish are landed, the catch is registered and analysed in the associated fish laboratory. This laboratory is well equipped with microscopes, weights, etc, with working space for several people at once. After registration and analysis, the fish can be stored in the ships freezing facilities.

For acoustic measurements of fish abundances, the ship has at its disposal both gear mounted on the hull of the ship and gear which are towed after the ship. These gears cover all sizes of fish and can tell whether the fish is in shallow or deep water. The acoustic measurements are collected and analysed in the acoustic laboratory where several people can work at the same time.