Head of Department at DTU Aqua and Professor Fritz Köster has been granted the Professor Kazimierz Demel's Medal for his scientific and organizational achievements.
The Professor Kazimierz Demel Medal is an honour and expression of special appreciation for extraordinary scientific and organisation achievements in research and promotion of biological, environmental and fisheries knowledge of the sea. The medal is awarded by the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute in Gdynia, Poland annually since 1991 through an international award committee.
The medal is awarded to Polish and foreign scientists as well as institutions and associations, based on applications, which can be submitted to the Committee at any time.
Fritz Köster received the medal at a ceremony at the institute in Poland on Friday 25 November. The ceremony was combined with the Laureate’s lecture Fish stock dynamics in the Baltic Sea. Is our scientific knowledge on biological and ecological processes driving fish stock dynamics used to inform stock assessment?
The Medal Committee is composed of the past winners of the medal as well as the Chairman of the Scientific Council and the Director of the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute.
In the picture from the left: Prof. Mariusz Sapota, Director of Institute of Oceanography at the University of Gdansk, Dr. Piotr Margoński, Director of the National Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Gdynia, Poland, and vice-president of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and Head of DTU Aqua Fritz Köster.