
DTU Aqua has a long history of collaborating with especially the aquaculture and fisheries industry to discover innovative solutions. Therefore, the institute is strongest in these two areas, but all our research areas focus on innovation. Here you can see some examples.

On this page, you can find some examples of DTU Aqua's innovation activities and industry partnerships. You can also find contacts within various fields of research.


Sustainability is central with regard to the continued growth of global fish production in aquaculture. Denmark is lead in recirculation technology, feed, and equipment. DTU Aqua is engaged in numerous innovation and development tasks with leading industry partners. The institute's focus includes advanced purification technology, the reuse of sludge and phosphorus, and the characterization of microbiota in aquaculture facilities. In collaboration with potential suppliers and the fish feed industry, opportunities for utilizing waste streams, fermentation, bacterial biomass, and insects as feed are explored.


Fisheries Technology

The research area of Fisheries Technology works on enhancing sustainability in commercial fisheries, focusing on unwanted bycatch, the physical impact of fishing gear on the seabed, and vessel fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. This area is involved in numerous innovation and development projects in close cooperation with the industry to provide specific solutions.


Coastal Ecology

Within coastal ecology, DTU Aqua works on innovating production methods for food, mitigation measures, and nature restoration. The focus is on the development of methods at DTU Aqua's oyster hatchery in Nykøbing Mors, grow-out systems, methods for re-establishing biogenic reefs, and marine mitigation measures.


Observation Technology

The research area of Observation Technology focuses on autonomous solutions for underwater monitoring and sampling technology. Work is carried out on system design and integration for use in marine applications, including the development of tailored solutions to build digital decision support tools for data collection. The focus is also on technology for use in monitoring the marine environment in the inner Danish waters and the oceans, especially in the North Atlantic and the Arctic.



The use of environmental DNA (eDNA) for monitoring biodiversity and sustainable utilization of aquatic resources is rapidly evolving. DTU Aqua develops and implements eDNA-based methods, including autonomous and mobile DNA laboratories, in collaboration with the world's leading developers of so-called 'eco-genomic sensors' (MBARI). The institute also collaborates with the fishing industry to develop and implement cost- and resource-saving eDNA-based methods for monitoring bycatch in fisheries.


Marine Living Resources

In the field of marine living resources, DTU Aqua collaborates with the fishing industry to develop new sustainable fisheries, as well as digitalization and statistical analysis of fishery data and new integrated tools for the mandatory estimation of catches and bycatch. Furthermore, model platforms and portals are developed for habitat monitoring and improved prediction of stock development, which can optimize fisheries and quota utilization and foster growth.


Fish Biology

The research area of Fish Biology collaborates with the industry in innovation projects that exploit new resources in fishing, such as the invasive species the round goby. Work also focuses on optimizing technology that enables the breeding of new species in aquaculture, including the further development of hatchery technology for sustainable eel farming.


Fisheries Management

DTU Aqua’s research into fisheries management develops methods, models and tools for estimating and evaluating the effects of management measures and regulations of fisheries. The results are used for advising national authorities and the EU.


Fish and Shellfish Diseases

The research area of Fish and Shellfish Diseases focuses on recombinant vaccines for fish based on both DNA and virus-like particles (VLP). The area explores opportunities for developing concepts that enable cost-effective production of vaccines tailored to smaller markets within aquaculture.