Student projects

At DTU Aqua, you can do bachelor projects, special courses and master thesis projects within a wide range of themes related to aquatic science and technology, including fisheries management.

What do we offer

Within the research area Fisheries Management, we offer student projects about

  • analyses of fisheries dynamics and fisheries modelling
  • ecosystem and management modelling
  • maritime spatial planning in relation to fishery and other marine sectors
  • marine sustainability and pressure and impact indicators
  • environmental impact assessment of large marine constructions and fisheries
  • evaluation of harvest control rules and management strategy evaluation
  • stock assessment modelling for data limited stocks
  • evaluation of stakeholder perceptions and involvement in fisheries and marine management.  

How to get started

If you have a project idea yourself, you are welcome to contact a supervisor directly in order to formulate a topic. All student projects must be based on a project contract with a supervisor.