Master's programmes

DTU Aqua coordinates two of DTU's MSc programmes: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture as well as Ocean Engineering.

The research vessel Havfisken
Watch video about the MSc programme Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture is a two-year MSc programme focussing on the sustainable harvest and production of fish and shell-fish, assessment and management of human impact and environmental change as well as cutting-edge research on aquatic ecosystems, traits of their inhabitants, and their impact on global climate. The programme was previously named Aquatic Science and Technology.

CTD is deployed into the sea
Watch video about the MSc programme Ocean Engineering.

Ocean Engineering

Ocean Engineering is a two-year MSc programme focussing on engineering skills for sustainable development of the blue economy. There is a growing need, both in Denmark and abroad, for expertise in maritime industries – off-shore energy, shipping, fisheries, marine spatial planning, and coastal engineering. 

Science-based engineering solution for sustainable blue growth requires an understanding of the physical and living components of the marine environment as well as the knowledge and skills to implement engineering solutions in a marine setting.