Dana—a scientific journal (1980-2000)

All articles from 'Dana: A Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research' can be found here as pdf files.

Vol. 1, 1980

Vol. 1, pp. 1-28
Experimental maturation of female silver eels, Anguilla anguilla. Estimates of fecundity and energy reserves for migration and spawning 
Inge Boëtius and Jan Boëtius

Vol. 1, pp. 29-37
Daily growth increments observed in otoliths from juvenile East Baltic cod
Erik Steffensen

Vol. 1, pp. 39-51 
Periodical growth rings in cephalopod statoliths
Thomas K. Kristensen

Vol. 1, pp. 53-64 
Differences in energy flow through major components of subarctic, temperate and tropical marine shelf ecosystems
G. Høpner Petersen and Mark A. Curtis

Vol. 1, pp. 65-91 
Feeding success of clupeoid fish larvae and stochastic thinking
Jan E. Beyer

Vol. 1, pp. 93-112 
Atlantic Anguilla. A presentation of old and new data of total numbers of vertebrae with special reference to the occurrence of Anguilla rostrata in Europe
Jan Boëtius

Vol. 2, 1982

Vol. 2, pp. 1-50 
An interpretation of the stomach contents of fish in relation to prey abundance
Knud P. Andersen

Vol. 2, pp. 51-67 
Stability and variability in the marine ecosystem
Erik Ursin

Vol. 2, pp. 69-95 
Estimation of effective mesh sizes and their utilization in assessment
Kjartan Hoydal, Carl Jakob Rørvik and Per Sparre

Vol. 2, pp. 97-121 
Abundance of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.), estimated from mark-recapture experiments
Sten Munch-Petersen, Per Sparre and Erik Hoffmann 

Vol. 3, 1984

Vol. 3, pp. 1-20 
On the growth parameters of Atlantic cod as a function of body size
Erik Ursin

Vol. 3, pp. 21-30 
The intestinal evacuation rates of larval hernng (Ciupea harengus L.) predating on wild plankton
Benedikte Hedegaard Pedersen

Vol. 3, pp. 31-42 
Depletion rates of gastrointestinal content in common goby (Pomatoschistus microps (Kr.)). Effects of temperature and fish size
Niels G. Andersen

Vol. 3, pp. 43-60 
The tropical, the temperate and the arctic seas as media for fish production
Erik Ursin

Vol. 3, pp. 61-139 
A growth model, gastric evacuation, and body composition in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, 1836
Jon From and Gorm Rasmussen

Vol. 4, 1985

Vol. 4, pp. 1-17 
Lipid and protein content in Anguilla anguilla during growth and starvation
Inge Boëtius and Jan Boëtius

Vol. 4, pp. 19-39 
Repeated induction of testicular maturation and spermiation, alternating with periods of feeding and growth in silver eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.)
Jens Dollerup and Chr. M. Graver

Vol. 4, pp. 41-48 
Greenland eels, Anguilla rostrata LeSueur
Jan Boëtius

Vol. 4, pp. 49-66 
On the homogeneity of the European Eel population (Anguilla anguilla)
E.F. Harding

Vol. 4, pp. 67-92 
Spatial and temporal distribution of American eel larvae in relation to North Atlantic Ocean current systems
Robert C. Kieckner and James D. McCleaue

Vol. 4, pp. 93-98 
Anguilla rostrata leptocephali in the Sargasso Sea during February and March 1981
Gail S. Wippelhauser, James D. McCleave and Robert C. Kleckner

Vol. 4, pp. 99-128 
List of Atlantic Anguilla leptocephali: American material
Robert C. Kieckner, Gail S. Wippelhauser and James D. McCleave

Vol. 4, pp. 129-162 
A re-examination of Johannes Schmidt’s Atlantic eel investigations
Jan Boëtius and E. F. Harding

Vol. 4, pp. 163-249 
List of Atlantic and Mediterranean Anguilla leptocephali: Danish material up to 1966
Jan Boëtius and E.F. Harding  

Vol. 5, 1985

Vol. 5, pp. 1-44 
Species interaction in assessment of fish stocks with special application to the North Sea
Henrik Gislason and Th. Helgason

Vol. 5, pp. 45-54
In-situ determination of target strength of herring and sprat at 38 and 120 kHz
Poul Degnbol, Hans Lassen and Karl-Johan Stæhr

Vol. 5, pp. 55-62 
A surgical method for implanting transmitters with sensors into the body cavity of cod (Gadus morhua L.)
Benedikte Hedegaard Pedersen and Niels Gerner Andersen

Vol. 5, pp. 63-80 
Stomach evacuation rates of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) estimated from stomach contents and growth rates
Erik Ursin, M. Pennington, E.B. Cohen and M.D. Grosslein

Vol. 5, pp. 81-86 
Estimating the average food consumption by fish in the field from stomach contents data
Michael Pennington

Vol. 5, pp. 87-94 
Some reflections on the possibility of estimating predation and digestion parameters from stomach data
Knud P. Andersen

Vol. 5, pp. 95-107 
First feeding by larval herring Clupea harengus L.
Thomas Kiørboe, Peter Munk and Josianne Gatt Støttrup

Vol. 6, 1986

Vol. 6, pp. 1-10 
Studies of a larval herring (Clupea harengus L.) patch in the Buchan area. I. The distribution of larvae in relation to hydrographic features
Katherine Richardson, Michael R. Heath and Niels Jørgen Pihl

Vol. 6, pp. 11-24 
Studies of a larval herring (Clupea harengus L.) patch in the Buchan area. II. Growth, mortality and drift of larvae
Peter Munk, Villy Christensen and Helge Paulsen

Vol. 6, pp. 25-36 
Studies of a larval herring (Clupea harengus L.) patch in the Buchan area. III. Phytoplankton distribution and primary productivity in relation to hydrographic features
Katherine Richardson, Michael R. Heath and Stefan Mariager Pedersen

Vol. 6, pp. 37-51 
Studies of a larval herring (Clupea harengus L.) patch in the Buchan area. IV. Zooplankton distribution and productivity in relation to hydrographic features
Thomas Kiørboe and Kirsten Johansen  

Vol. 7, 1989

Vol. 7, pp. 1-12 
Ascending dyers, Anguilla anguilla, from five European localities. Analyses of pigmentation stages, condition, chemical composition and energy reserves
Inge Boëtius and Jan Boëtius

Vol. 7, pp. 13-22 
Sources and magnitude of random errors in Acoustic Fish Abundance Estimates
Knud P. Andersen and Eskild Kirkegaard

Vol. 7, pp. 23-43 
A multispecies model of fish stocks in the Baltic Sea
Jan Horbowy

Vol. 7, pp. 45-147 
Recruitment stability and survival - simple size-specific theory with examples from the early life dynamics of marine fish
Jan E. Beyer

Vol. 8, 1989

Vol. 8, preface
Jørgen Møller Christensen

Vol. 8, pp. 5-16
A century of fisheries research and management
Jørgen Møller Christensen

Vol. 8, pp. 17-31
The ecological setting of North Sea fisheries
Niels Daan

Vol. 8, pp. 33-43
Fisheries research and management for the North Sea; The next hundred years
John Pope

Vol. 8, pp. 45-66
The Danish fishery into the next century
Niels Axel Nielsen

Vol. 8, pp. 69-82
The North Sea and the climate
Jan O. Backhaus

Vol. 8, pp. 83-93
Algal blooms in the North Sea: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Katherine Richardson

Vol. 8, pp. 95- 108
The chemical pollution status of the North Sea
John E. Portman

Vol. 8, pp. 109-129
Fish in the polluted North Sea
Volkert Dethlefsen 

Vol. 9, 1991

Vol. 9, pp. 1-14 
Studies on lipid synthesis by incorporation 14C-acetate during experimental maturation of silver eels, Anguilla anguilla
Inge Boëtius, Jan Boëtius and Heinz J. M. Hansen

Vol. 9, pp. 15-30 
Improved estimates of a growth model and body composition of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) as function of feeding level, temperature and body size
Gorm Rasmussen and Jon From

Vol. 9, pp. 31-38 
Growth of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) related to egg size and temperature
Jon From and Gorm Rasmussen

Vol. 9, pp. 39-43 
Comparison of three different otolith-based methods for age determination of turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)
Tine Kjær Hassager

Vol. 9, pp. 45-56 
The spatial distribution of cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Baltic Sea
Henrik Sparholt, Eero Aro and Johan Modin

Vol. 9, pp. 57-69 
Mortality and growth of wild and introduced cultured eels (Anguilla anguilla (L)) in a Danish stream, with special reference to a new tagging technique
Jakob Bisgaard and Michael I. Pedersen

Vol. 10, 1994

Vol. 10, pp. 1-28 
The Baltic cod
Ole Bagge, Fritz Thurow, Erik Steffensen and Jesper Bay

Vol. 10, pp. 29-59 
Status and future of herring and sprat stocks in the Baltic Sea
Raimo Parmanne, Otto Rechlin and Bengt Sjöstrand

Vol. 10, pp. 61-85 
The Baltic salmon (Salmo salar L.): its history, present situation and future
Lars Karlsson and Östen Karlström

Vol. 10, pp. 87-104 
Hydrographic processes and changes in the Baltic Sea
Jacob Steen Møller and Ian Sehested Hansen

Vol. 10, pp. 105-129 
Top-down control in the pelagic Baltic ecosystem
Lars G. Rudstam, Gunnar Aneer and Mikael Hildén

Vol. 10, pp. 131-162 
Fish species interactions in the Baltic Sea
Henrik Sparholt

Vol. 10, pp. 163-177 
Development of Baltic cod eggs at different levels of temperature and oxygen content
Kai Wieland, Uwe Waller and Dietrich Schnack

Vol. 10, pp. 179-201 
The role of predation on early life stages of cod in the Baltic
Friedrich W. Köster and Dietrich Schnack

Vol. 10, pp. 203-234 
The effect of size-selective mortality on the size-at-age of Baltic herring
Jan E. Beyer and Hans Lassen  

Vol. 11(1), 1995

Vol. 11(1), pp. 1-28 
A model of trophic interactions in the North Sea in 1981, the Year of the Stomach
Villy Christensen

Vol. 11(1), pp. 29-38 
First estimates of growth, mortality and recruitment parameters of Macrobrachium macrobrachion Herklots, 1851 in the Cross River estuary, Nigeria
Udeme I. Enin

Vol. 11(1), pp. 39-64 
Sampling methods and errors in the Danish North Sea industrial fishery
Peter Lewy  

Dana, vol. 11(2), 1996

Vol. 11(2), pp. 65-130 
Predator foraging in patchy environments: the interrupted Poisson process (IPP) model unit
Jan E. Beyer and Bo Friis Nielsen

Vol. 12, 2000

Vol.12, pp. 1-5
The European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in Japanese waters
Jun Aoyama, Shun Watanabe, Takeshi Miyai, Seiji Sasai, Mutsumi Nishida and Katsumi Tsukamoto  

Vol.12, pp. 7-15 
Eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in Italy: recruitment, fisheries and aquaculture
Eleonora Ciccotti, Sara Busilacchi and Stefano Cataudella

Vol.12, pp. 17-32 
Impact of yellow eel exploitation on spawner production in Lake IJsselmeer, the Netherlands
Willem Dekker

Vol.12, pp. 33-42 
Behavior and passage of silver-phase American eels, Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur), at a small hydroelectric facility
Alex Haro, Ted Castro-Santos and Jacques Boubée

Vol.12, pp. 43-57 
Size, and exploitation rate by dip net fishery, of the run of American eel, Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur), elvers in the East River, Nova Scotia
Brian M. Jessop

Vol.12, pp. 59-68 
The River Shannon silver eel fisheries: variations in commercial and experimental catch levels
T. Kieran McCarthy and Paula Cullen

Vol.12, pp. 69-70 
Monitoring results for glass eel and elver 1965-1999
Christopher Moriarty

Vol.12, pp. 71-76 
Long-term survival and growth of stocked eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in a small eutrophic lake
Michael I. Pedersen

Vol.12, pp. 77-82 
Fishing mortality on silver eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in Denmark
Michael I. Pedersen and Christian Dieperink

Vol.12, pp. 83-97 
Evidence for a decline in the abundance of the American eel, Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur), in North America since the early 1980s
William A. Richkus and Kevin Whalen

'Dana: A journal of Fisheries and Marine Research' was published by the Danish Institute for Fisheries and Marine Research and later Danish Institute for Fisheries Research (now: DTU Aqua) during the years 1980 to 2000.

Dana was a peer reviewed journal covering both pure and applied research within the topics: Fish biology, fisheries, oceanography, fisheries management and assessment as well as mathematical modeling, marine biology and biological oceanography relevant to fish and fisheries.