Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersøgelser, Fiskeri series (1904-1933)

Some of the articles from issued by the Danish Committee for the Study of the Sea in 'Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Havundersøgelser. Serien Fiskeri', can be found here as pdf files.

Vol. I (1904-1905)

No. 1
On the larval and postlarval stages of the long rough dab and the genus Pleuronectes
C.G. Joh. Petersen

No. 2
Contributions to the biology of the plaice with special regard to the Danish plaice-fishery. I 
A.C. Johansen

No. 3
On the pelagic post-larval halibut (Hippoglossus vulgaris Flem. and H. hippoglossoides [Walb]) 
Johs. Schmidt

No. 4
The pelagic post-larval stages of the Atlantic species of Gadus
Johs. Schmidt

No. 5
Larval eels (Leptocephalus brevirostris) of the Atlantic coast of Europe
C.G. Joh. Petersen

No. 6
Remarks on the life history of the young post larval eel (Anguilla vulgaris turt.) 
A.C. Johansen

No. 7
On the fish-otholits in the bottom deposits of the sea. I. Otholiths of the Gadus-species deposited in the polar deep 
Adolf Severin Jensen

No. 8
On the larval and post-larval stages of the torsk (Brosmus brosme [Ascan])
Johs. Schmidt

Vol. II (1906-1907)

No. 1
On the larval and post-larval stages of some Pleuronectideæ (Pleuronectes zeugopterus)
C.G. Joh. Petersen

No. 2
The pelagic post-larval stages of the Atlantic species of Gadus. A monograph. Part II
Johs. Schmidt

No. 3
On the pelagic post-larval stages of the lings (Molva molva [Linné] and Molva byrkelange [Walbaum])
Johs. Schmidt

No. 4
On the larval and post-larval development of the Argentines (Argentina silus [Ascan.] and Argentina sphyræna Linné). With some notes on Mallotus villosus [O. F. Müller] 
Johs. Schmidt

No. 5 
Contributions to the biology of the plaice with special regard to the Danish plaice-fishery. II. The marking and transplantation experiments with plaice in the Danish waters in the years 1903-06
Side 1-78
Side 79-122
A.C. Johansen

No. 6
Marking experiments on plaice and cod in Icelandic waters
Johs. Schmidt

No. 7
On the post-larval development of the hake (Merluccius vulgaris Flem.)
Johs Schmidt

No. 8
On the post-larval development of some north Atlantic gadoids (Raniceps raninus [Linné] and Molva elongate [Risso])
Johs. Schmidt

No. 9
On the post-larval stages of the John Dory (Zeus Faber L.) and some other Acenthopterygian fishes
Johs. Schmidt

Vol. III (1908-1910)

No. 1
On the larval and post larval stages of some Pleuronectidæ (Zeugopterus, Arnoglossus, Solea)
C.G. Petersen

No. 2
Remarks on the changes in specific gravity of pelagic fish eggs and the transportation of the same in Danish waters
J.P. Jacobsen and A.C. Johansen

No. 3
Remarks on the metamorphosis and distribution of the larvae and the eel (Anguilla vulgaris, turt.)
Johs. Schmidt

No. 4
Contributions to the biology of the plaice with special regard to the Danish plaice-fishery. III. On the variations in frequency of young plaice in Danish waters in 1902-1907
A.C. Johansen

No. 5
Is the plaice indigenous to the true Baltic?
A.C. Johansen

No. 6
On the occurrence of the leptocephali (larval muraenoids) in the Atlantic w. of Europe
Johs. Schmidt

No. 7
On the distribution of the fresh-water eels (Anguilla) throughout the world. I. Atlantic ocean and the adjacent regions. A bio-geographical investigation
Johs. Schmidt

No. 8
Die Daenischen unterschungen ueber die Schollenfisherei und den Schollenbestand. In der oestlichen Nordsee dem Skagerak und dem Noerdlichen Kattegat
Side 1-80
Side 81-142
A.C. Johansen

Vol. IV (1912-1915)

No. 1
Contributions to the biology of the plaice with special regard to the Danish plaice-fishery. V. The supposed migrations of plaice from the Kattegat and the Belt Sea to the True Baltic
A.C. Johansen

No. 2
On the identification of the muraenoid larvae. In their early (“preleptocephaline”) stages
Johs. Schmidt

No. 3
The metamorphosis of elvers as influenced by outward conditions. Some experiments
A. Strubberg

No. 4
On the immigration of the plaice to the coastal ground and fiords on the west coast of Jutland
A.C. Johansen

No. 5
Report on the fish eggs and the larvæ collected by the Danish research steamer Thor in the Langelandsbelt in 1909
P.L. Kramp

No. 6
Continued marking experiments on plaice and cod in Icelandic waters
Bjarni Sæmundsson

No. 7
On the classification of the fresh water eels (Anguilla)
Johs. Schmidt

No. 8
On the value of the rings in the scales of the cod as a means of age determination 
Ö. Winge

No. 9 (1915)
Marking experiments with plaice in the North Sea off the west coast of Jutland during the years 1906-1912. With supplementary observations on the previous Danish experiments
A.C. Johansen

Vol. V (1916-1919)

No. 1
Marking experiments with turtles in the Danish West Indies
Johs. Schmidt

No. 2
Marking experiments with cod at the Færoes 
Side 1-75 
Side 76-126
A.C. Strubberg

No. 3 
Marking experiments with sole (Solea vulgaris Quensel) and turbot (Rhombus maximus L.) in the Kattegat and Baltic waters
A.C. Johansen

No. 4
On the early larval stages of the fresh water eels (Anguilla) and some other North Atlantic murænoids
Johs. Schmidt

No. 5
Contributions to the life history of the North Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus vulgaris, Flem.)
P. Jespersen

No. 6
Marking experiments with plaice and lemon soles at the Færoes in 1910-1912
A.C. Strubberg

No. 7
Stations in the Atlantic, etc. 1911-15
Johs. Schmidt

No. 8
On the large spring-spawning sea herring (Clupea harrengus L.) in the North West European waters
A.C. Johansen

No. 9
Investigations as to the effects of the restriction on fishing during the war on the plaice of the eastern North Sea
A.C. Johansen and Kirstine Smith

Vol. VI (1920-1922)

No. 1
On the occurrence of the post larval stages of the herring and the ’lodde’ (Clupea harengus L., and Mallotus villosus O.F.M.) at Iceland and the Færoes 
P. Jespersen

No. 2
Danish Investigations of plaice from the North Sea. July 1919-July 1920 
Kirstine Smith

No. 3
On the summer-spawning herring (Culpea harengus L.) of Iceland
A.C. Johansen

No. 4 
The Atlanto-Scandian spring herring spawning at the Faroes 
A.C. Johansen 

No. 5
On the causes of the fluctuations in the yield of some of our fisheries. I. The salmon and the trout fisheries 
J.P. Jacobsen and A.C. Johansen

No. 6
Contributions to the knowledge of the young of the sun-fishes (Mola and Ranzania) 
Johs. Smith

No. 7
On the frequency and distribution of the Crangon vulgaris, Carcinus mænas and Potunus holsatus in the Danish coastal waters 
Erik M. Poulsen

No. 8
On the density of the young plaice population in the eastern part of the North Sea and the Skagerak in pre-war and the post-war years 
A.C. Johansen

No. 9
On the causes of the fluctuations in the yield of some of our fisheries. II. The eel fisheries 
J.P. Jacobsen and A.C. Johansen

Vol. VII (1922-1925)

No. 1
Marking experiments with cod (Gadus callarias L.) in Danish waters, 1905-1913
A.C. Strubberg

No. 2
Investigations of the plaice from the western Baltic June 1921-August 1922
Kirstine Smith

No. 3
On the age and growth of the cod (Gadus callarias L.) in the Icelandic waters 
Bjarni Sæmundsson

No. 4
On the plaice population of the horns reef area in the autumn of 1922
Kirstine Smith

No. 5
On the summer and autumn-spawning herrings of the North Sea
Side 1-59
Side 60-122
A.C. Johansen

No. 6
Fish eggs and larvæ collected in the belt sea in March 1922
P.L. Kramp

No. 7
On the fishery of the Greenlanders 
Ad. S. Jensen

No. 8
On the influence of the currents upon the frequency of the mackerel in the Kattegat and adjacent parts of the Skagerak
A.C. Johansen

Vol. VIII (1925-1929)

No. 1
On the age and growth of the haddock (Gadus æglefinus L.) and the whiting (Gladus merlangus L.) in the Icelandic waters
Bjarni Sæmundsson

No. 2
On the diurnal vertical movements of young of some fishes in Danish waters 
A.C. Johansen

No. 3 
A bottom sampler for hard bottom
Martin Knudsen

No. 4
Preliminary experiments with Knudsen’s bottom sampler for hard bottom
A.C. Johansen

No. 5
Quantative investigations of the 0-group and I-group of the plaice, turbot, brill and sole in the Skagerrak, Kattegat and Belt Sea 
Anton Fr. Bruun

No. 6
An investigation of the stock of plaice in the southern horns reef area in the years 1925 and 1927 
Aage J.C. Jensen

No. 7 
On the age and growth of the coalfish (Gadus virens L.), the Norway pout (Gadus esmarki Nilsson) and the poutassou (Gadus poutassou Risso) in Icelandic waters
Bjarni Sæmundsson

No. 8
On the influence of the currents upon the frequency of the mackerel in the Kattegat and adjacent parts of the Skagerak 
A.C. Johansen

Vol. IX (1931-1933)

No. 1
Biological investigations upon the cod in Danish waters 
Erik M. Poulsen

No. 2
Investigations of the plaice stock in the southern horns reef area in the years 1928-1930
Aage J.C. Jensen

No. 3
Fluctuations in the stock of the cod in Icelandic waters 
Å. Vedel Tåning

No. 4
On the spawning places of the herring in certain parts of the North Sea, the Skagerak and the Kattegat in the autumn of 1930 and some earlier years
Erik M. Poulsen

No. 5
Periodic fluctuations in the size of various stocks of fish and their causes 
Aage J.C. Jensen

No. 6
The “red disease” of the eel in Danish waters
Anton Fr. Bruun and Børge Heiberg

No. 7
Marking experiments with cod at the faroes. II. Secon report. Experiments in 1923-1927
A.C. Strubberg

The Danish Committee for the Study of the Sea (in Danish: Kommissionen for Havundersøgelser) was etablished in 1902 with the duty to carry out the Danish part of the work done in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, ICES.

The publications were issued by the publishing company C.A. Reitzels Forlag.