Facilities for research in captive reproduction of European eel, Hirtshals

DTU Aqua manages experimental facilities for research in the reproduction of eel in culture.

Desinfection trials
Desinfection trial. Photo: Sune Riis Sørensen.

DTU Aqua coordinates the collaborative, research project EEL HATCH that aims at developing methods and technology to reproduce the European eel in captivity and raise larvae in culture. The ultimate goal is to establish a hatchery that can produce glass eels for the aquaculture industry. Production of glass eels in culture is of great interest due to the decline of the European eel stock in nature. A commercial production of juveniles will allow aquaculture production without wild-caught glass eels and thereby revival of the large market for eels for consumption in Europe and Asia.

The EEL HATCH consortium has as part of the project established new experimental facilities at DTU Aqua in Hirtshals. The facility, which was inaugurated in the spring of 2016, has a total area of 650 m2 and includes laboratories and culture systems for broodstock, incubation of eggs and larval rearing. The facility uses aquaculture recirculation technology and benefits from natural sea water intake via the North Sea Science Park’s pipeline.

The research and innovation project EEL HATCH is financially supported by the Innovation Fund Denmark and its industrial project partners. The project represents an interdisciplinary, collaboration among DTU Aqua, Billund Aquaculture, STMI Aqua Systems, Danish Aquaculture Organisation, Bioneer, BioMar and North Sea Science Park.