New research vessel on the way—Dana V
Denmark's new ocean going research vessel, Dana V, is expected to be completed in 2027.

Dana V will replace Dana IV, which is over 40 years old and both technically, research-wise and environmentally outdated.
Dana V is owned—like Dana IV—by DTU, but can be used by all Danish marine research environments. The new research ship will be a unique Danish platform for both research, monitoring, education and innovation in the marine and maritime area and will support a wide range of research disciplines.
The ship is a prerequisite for DTU's performance of tasks for the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and the Ministry for Environment in relation to research and monitoring of fisheries, living marine resources and the marine environment.
The new research ship will also be an important platform for collaboration in the Danish Realm.
Dana V will also be used for education, i.a. of future maritime engineers, and for testing new green ship solutions.
The new vessel is expected to be delivered in 2027. Design and construction are financed by the state, DTU and private foundations.