Facilities for research in shellfish, seaweed and coastal ecology, Nykøbing Mors
DTU Aqua has access to facilities on land and in the Limfjorden aimed at research in the production of shellfish and seaweed.
Oyester hatchery for research and production. Photo: Camille Saurel.
DTU Aqua has over 3800 m2 of buildings and land at the closed Morsø Shipyard at Ørodde in Nykøbing Mors.
The facilities cover:
Hatchery of 750 m2 for the production of European flat oysters, European lobster, macroalgae, microalgae and bivalves in commercial scale but also for experiments.
Nursery of 400 m2 for grow out of European flat oyster and macroalgae.
Raceways for production and experimental setup.
Two experimental grow-out facility in Limfjorden for oysters, mussels and seaweed (7 and 15 ha).
Two platforms of 150 m2 each for grow out.
Algae greenhouse.
Laboratory (250 m2).
Boats (22-31 feet) and farming equipment for working on the fjord.
Office facilities.
Conference and meeting rooms.
Rooms for accommodation of researchers, students, and guests.
Seaweed hatchery for research and production. Photo: Camille Saurel.
European flat oysters kept individually in the quarantine. Photo: Camille Saurel.
The European flat oyster hatchery: broodstock, larvae, settlement areas and micronursery. Photo: Camille Saurel.
Flat oyster spats. Photo: Camille Saurel.
Different strains of microalgae cultivated in 50L bags. Photo: Camille Saurel.
Lobster tanks. Photo: Camille Saurel.
Lobster juveniles produced in the hatchery. Photo: Camille Saurel.
Research in coastal ecology
DTU Aqua conducts research in the structure and function of coastal ecosystems and habitats ranging from nutrients dynamics to the coastal zone as a production area of both fish, mussels and seaweed.