Section for Ecosystem based Marine Management

About the section

The Section for Ecosystem Based Marine Management conducts research in the direct and indirect effects of fishing activities on the marine environment. The aim is to develop knowledge and tools for use in a knowledge based ecological and economical sustainable management of fisheries. 

The section consists of three research areas:

  • Marine habitats

    Research in the area Marine habitats concerns the role of habitats as nursery areas for fish. The focus is on maintaining or improving the conditions for fish which are important either commercially, in recreational fishing or in ecosystem functioning. As many habitats have been significantly influenced by human activities, methods for marine habitat restoration are investigated as is the development of area based management methods.

  • Fisheries management

    The research in Marine fisheries management creates a scientific basis for advice on the effect of different management measures. New management measures, such as limits to the amount of fish landed, closed areas and multiannual management plans are evaluated to determine their likely effect on the ecosystem and the value of the fishery.

  • Ecosystem effects of fishing

    Research in Ecosystem effects of fishing is focused on quantitative analyses of indicators and reference levels for fishing impact in relation to Good Environmental Status in the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive,  on the interaction between fisheries and marine mammals, seabirds and benthos, as well as on methods used when providing advice on management of marine ecosystems and activities.