Section for Oceans and Arctic

About the section

The Section for Oceans and Arctic is focused on research in the marine environment. The research spectrum is broad covering oceanography, observation technology and the Arctic. 

The research into oceanography integrates biological, physical and chemical parameters’ interactions in the ocean, ranging from individual plankton to regional seas. We focus on understanding the key processes that govern the structure and function of pelagic food webs, as well as climate and ecosystem interactions.

Observation technology is a multidisciplinary activity aimed at integrating traditional methods in acoustics, optics and image analyzes to support research in the section as well as across DTU Aqua.

Our Arctic research is a regional component that goes across the other research disciplines in the section. It is based on a close collaboration with the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, combined with other research projects. Focus is on increasing activity in the Arctic across the other research disciplines.