Section for Monitoring and Data

About the section

Section for Monitoring and Data is responsible for planning and data collection on scientific monitoring surveys and from the commercial fishery. The data collection is conducted using the Institute’s own research vessels and from commercial ships at sea and in fishing ports around Denmark. Data collection also covers environmental variables (physical and biological oceanography, plankton and fish larvae sampling).

The section is also responsible for the data processing and data support for assessments as well as research projects using both data from the Institute's own scientific surveys and fishery-dependent data as well as ecosystems data. These comprehend information on fish and shellfish species' biology such as identification and distribution, age readings, sex ratios and maturity determination. Time series of these data are provided for the assessment of fish and shellfish stocks and are an essential contribution for e.g. studies on the effect of climate change on marine fisheries resources.

The section contributes to the development of new observation technologies and provides maintenance of scientific equipment at sea with RV Dana and on shore. Furthermore, the section provides the vessel crew for RV Havfisken and other smaller research vessels.

Head of Section at DTU Lyngby Campus

Head of Section at DTU Hirtshals Campus

Employees in Section for Monitoring and Data