Section for Marine Living Resources

About the section

The Section for Marine Living Resources focuses on population genetics, fish biology, population dynamics, stock assessment and predictions as well as bio-physical modelling from individuals to systems. All lines are aimed at providing international front edge research as the basis for excellent education and a strong and operational scientific support for sustainable management of the marine living resources.

Research in genetics encompasses evolutionary processes responsible for the biodiversity within and among aquatic populations. DTU Aqua develops and uses state-of-the-art molecular genomic tools for genetic traceability and managing local genetic resources.

Fish Biology investigates biological traits and eco-physiology that impacts fish survival, growth and reproduction, interlinking knowledge across multiple life history stages and bridging controlled experiments and field studies.

Advanced mathematical and statistical models of aquatic populations and systems are developed based on knowledge of individual behaviour and life history, population structure and dynamics as well as ecological mechanisms derived from controlled studies, natural and data storage tags as well as fisheries, ecological and oceanographic data.

Output of data collection and -analysis, process studies and modelling efforts are combined in rigorous statistical and bio-physical models to estimate past, current, and future states of marine living resources.