Section for Fisheries Technology

About the section

The Section for Fisheries Technology works with technological development of gear, techniques and methods that can contribute to promoting economic and environmental sustainability in the fishing industry, and which can support society's need to regulate fishing.

The section focuses on the following areas:

  • Minimization of ecosystem effects of fisheries, ie. development of tools with improved selectivity, efficiency and fuel consumption.
  • Interactions between fishing gear and protected and vulnerable habitats and species, e.g. sediment displacement and geotechnical impact on the seabed.
  • Precision fishing, ie. development of technological decision-making tools for better control of the catch, e.g. real-time cameras mounted on trawls as well as adjustable trawl doors.
  • Biodegradable materials for fishing gear etc.
  • User-driven innovation, ie. development of gear improvements in collaboration with stakeholders.
  • Increased value in the fishery, including quality, choke species and discard survival. Choke species are species with a low quota, that can block fishing for other species, because fishermen cannot avoid catching the "choke species" even if the quota is exhausted.